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In this article i am going to show you how you can simply automate the installation of SonarQube on an AWS EC2 instance using an Infrastructure as Code tool called Terraform.
SonarQube is a code quality analysis tooling solution where it can allow you to perform different kinds of code quality scanning and analysis on your software projects. It support multiple platforms and programming languages.
AWS EC2 probably need not much of an introduction these days but it is simply an on-cloud virtual compute service (basically a virtual server) that you can use to host your web applications and websites.
Lastly, as with introduction goes, it only makes sense to also introduce Terraform here as well.
As i already eluded to, Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code tool. It is made by Hashicorp that allows you to define your infrastructure resources using a coding language (here it’s Hashicorp’s own HCL) and then provision them…