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As a DevOps Engineer I simply can not rate The Phoenix Project book highly enough.
It is the ultimate book for a DevOps Engineer to read in my own personal opinion.
I’m not going to do an in-depth book review here as I simply just cannot do it justice and besides, I really don’t want to spoil it for those readers here who have not yet read the book.
For those who has been involved in DevOps will know that DevOps is mainly all about the following things:
- Cultural Transformation in bringing Developers & Operators closer together
- Process efficiency
- Improved tooling & practices to increase flow of development
This book exactly takes you on a journey by telling the story from the viewpoint of the main character (Bill) in terms of how he transformed the company’s culture from a very traditional siloed old-fashioned organisation hierarchy/structure to a cross-functional collaborative working structure both enabling and empowering software development with ease.
Unlike other technical books where they are more reference type books or books that follow a tutorial format with a certain structure; this book is simply a novel that tells a story. The story it tells is so…